General FAQs
What file types are supported?
The following file types are supported: html, htm, txt, rtf, xml, md, pdf, docx, doc, pptx, ppt, odt, epub, odp, ppsx, pages, xlsx, xls
Can I scan documents in bulk?
Yes, you can scan up to 5 files at once.
Do you use my document?
This is up to you - you do NOT have to hand over your document for storage: you are 100% in control. If you choose the option to scan our internal database, then your content will automatically be saved in the database to help improve its accuracy. This is completely optional, but it does give you access to thousands upon thousands of additional resources to improve the quality of your scan even further. You can ask us to delete the scan afterwards. There is no charge.
Will my university / tutor know I have used your software?
When scanning your document, you have the option to submit your document to the internal database. If you do this and your tutor also uses our scanner, they may see a match to your essay. So if you are concerned about this, we would suggest not choosing the 'internal database' option, or asking us to remove your data after the scan. There is no charge.
AI detector FAQs
How accurate is the AI Detector?
The AI Detector has a 99.12% accuracy, the highest of any detector available.
What AI generated content can the AI detector find?
In most cases, we can detect Claude, Claude Opus, Gemini, GPT4, ChatGPT and more.
How good is your AI detector?
You’ve probably read claims that AI detectors aren’t that great. That they flag a lot of false positives or negatives.
That’s true, of almost all AI dectectors – but not ours. We have partnered with the world’s leading AI-based text analysis company which in turn has collected, ingested, and analysed trillions of pages of crawled content and user-sourced content, sourced from thousands of universities and enterprises worldwide to train their models.
The sheer scale of the data they hold, coupled with machine learning and widespread adoption of their API, has allowed them to continually refine and improve their ability to understand complex text patterns. The result is an accuracy in detecting AI-generated content of 99.12% - much higher than any other AI detector. Further, the API we use is not stagnant – the more it is used, the more it improves.
So in short, our AI detector is the best there is, and it IS reliable. If our detector says that something is AI-generated, the chances of it being incorrect are less than 1%.
Does the AI Detector ever give a false positive?
Educators get pretty nervous about accusing students of using AI generators – especially good students. Our software’s accuracy is 99.12%, which is extremely high so the chances of false positives are very small.
If a student turns in a piece of work that flags as partly AI-generated and they’re adamant they wrote it themselves, you might consider asking if they’ve used some software to polish their writing: such as Grammarly, Scribbr or even ChatGPT. Students often fail to appreciate that such tools give their own work all the appearance of AI-generated text.
Plagiarism checker FAQs
What resources does your plagiarism checker compare my work to?
While most plagiarism checkers simply search the web, every scan you make with us fires off dozens of APIs to an enormous amount of sources including 16,000+ open-access journals, 60 trillion websites and search engines, including Google, Bing, and more, 1M+ internal documents (optional) and 20+ code data repositories.
Do you support plagiarism checking in other languages?
Yes - more than 100 languages are supported.
Can I exclude my references when checking for plagiarism?
Yes. You have the option to exclude references, quotes, citations and your table of contents, keeping your costs down and avoiding a false high percentage match.
What is scan sensitivity?
The scan sensitivity level adjust how meticulously your scan is performed. A high accuracy scan will find even more matches of words than our recommend setting, but will take more time to perform the scan.
A scan set to low accuracy is the fastest scan but will only show the most relevant results according to the text provided.
Account FAQs
How do I create an account on
Click the 'Register' link in the top menu. Enter a user name, your email address and chosen password.
I have lost my password. How do I get a reminder?
Go to - you can also find this link by clicking Login, then 'Lost your password?'.
How do I change my profile picture?
Log into your account and then click the link under your picture which says: "profile details". You can also change your profile picture through Gravatar.
How do I log out of my account?
Click 'My account' in the menu and use the Logout link in the drop down; or go to 'My account' and use the Log out link there.
Payments and billing FAQs
What payment methods do you accept?
Through our payment processor Stripe, we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and China UnionPay payments from customers worldwide.
Can I have a refund of part of a bundle?
Yes, but we'll calculate the cost of the credits you actually used. So for example, if you bought a bundle of 20 credits and used 10 credits, we'll take away the cost of 10 credits at the 10 credit rate. We will not refund amounts of less than GBP £1 due to the cost to us of doing so.
Credits FAQs
How many words can I scan with 1 credit?
One credit will scan approximately 250 words. A document with 1 - 250 words will take 1 credit. A document with 251 - 500 words will take 2 credits, etc. Some features (i.e. translation) require extra credits. Our software will always calculate the required credits and display this for you to approve, before scanning.