How can I use quotes more effectively in my written work?

Ask the doctorThis week’s topic is about referencing, not referencing styles but how referencing accurately and appropriately can help you get better grades. The reason I am starting with this is that the question I am most commonly asked is how to improve on grades and using referencing well is one of the better ways I know of doing just that. So, here goes!

Q: How can I use quotes more effectively in my written work?

A: The first thing to remember is that quotes are essentially evidence, they are there to support the point you are making and strengthen your argument. This means that quotes should never just be “stuck in’ for no particular reason; they should always make a clear connection with a point that is being made.

Secondly, quotes should never be left “hanging’. By that I mean that they should always be commented on in the form of analysis.

Nowadays, very few academic institutions like students to use long quotes, so it is best to weave your quotes into your sentences: that way, you are quoting and analysing at the same time.

Thirdly, draw ideas from your quotes. Pick up on individual words and phrases the writer has used and build them into your argument. This is good for two reasons:

  1. It involves you directly with what the writer is saying.
  2. It makes your work original.

Referencing in this way will definitely increase your grade and it will also help hone you skills of argument: crucial for a top grade essay!

So, there it is, my first blog! I hope you have found it helpful and don’t forget, check in again regularly to see what else I have to say. I promise you that before too long, if you follow my advice, you’ll see your grades go up and up – just as all my hundreds of students have done – I’ll be back very soon so watch this space!

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