Professional Plagiarism Checker and AI detector
PlagPointer combines a revolutionary plagiarism checker with a new standard of AI detector. Check for both plagiarism and AI-generated content in one easy step, with unbeatable accuracy.
AI detector features:
Forget false-positives – our AI detector uses a gold-standard API with 99.12% best-in-class accuracy. We’re powered by the world’s leading AI-based text analysis company who has spent 10 years collecting, ingesting and analysing trillions of pages of crawled content and user-sourced content, sourced from thousands of universities and enterprises worldwide to train its model.
![Unparalleled AI detection](
Unparalleled AI detection (Claude, Claude Opus, Gemini, GPT4, ChatGPT and more)
![AI detection in 30 languages](
Powerful AI detection software that works in 30+ languages
![Award winning API](
99.12% accuracy – the highest of any detector available
Plagiarism checker features:
Discover why our feature-rich highly effective plagiarism checker rises head and shoulders above the rest.
![Scans trillions of resources](
Scans 16,000+ open-access journals, 60 trillion websites & search engines, including Google + Bing, & more.
![Award winning plagiarism detection API](
Uses world-class award-winning API trusted by 1,000+ universities and 300+ organisations.
![Supports many file types](
Scan html, htm, txt, rtf, xml, md, pdf, docx, doc, pptx, ppt, odt, epub, odp, ppsx, pages, xlsx, xls
![100% confidential plagiarism scanner](
100% control, 100% confidential – you can add your essay to our database, or choose not to.
![Foreign language plagiarism checker detection](
Handles foreign language cross checking for unparalleled accuracy.
Quote for your exact document before you scan, depending on options chosen.
![Quote for your exact document](
1 credit = 250 words – no unfair expensive credits for short documents.
![Simple to use interface](
Very simple and easy-to-use interface
![Exclude references, quotes, citations and table of contents](
Option to exclude references, quotes, citations + table of contents.
![Improve your scan with our internal document database](
Option to scan against 1 million+ internal documents & 20+ code data repositories
Option to adjust sensitivity for faster reports
![more than 100 languages supported](
More than 100 languages supported.
![Bulk pricing available](
Institution bulk pricing available
![Software for schools, universities, students, businesses and more](
Ideal for students, schools, websites, businesses + more
![Highly competitive pricing](
Highly competitive pricing
![Option to use credits or buy more](
Option to use credits in wallet or pay for more
![Detects various types of plagiarism](
Detects identical text, near identical, paraphrasing
![Easy to read plagiarism report](
Easy to read, downloadable PDF report
![bulk scan 5 files](
Bulk scan up to 5 files at once
![Pay for what you use](
Pay only for what you use – no unfair subscriptions
Credits from 0.12p GBP each.
Plagiarism Resources:
See latest news and topics
Articles covering a range of topics on plagiarism, including famous plagiarism cases, plagiarism in the news and topics to help students.
Ask the Doctor
See guidance from our lecturer.
Guides prepared by a lecturer from one of the UK’s leading universities who has taught undergraduates, postgraduates, GCSE and A level students for 30+ years.
Lesson plans
Teach students about plagiarism.
Lesson plans for KS3, college and university students to help teachers tackle the subject of plagiarism.
Compare plagiarism checkers
Read our honest, straightforward reviews of other online plagiarism checkers available.
Types of plagiarism
Learn more about plagiarism types.
There are many different forms of plagiarism. In this section, we look at the most common – some are obvious, others come as a surprise to many students!
Find out more.
Read answers to frequently asked questions on using our AI detector and plagiarism checker software.